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hello erveyone,
I need some help with the installation. Ayab is installed, and eknitter to. Eknitter has wifi. Only even if computer is set on my wifi, I can not choose a port in ayab. We've been trying with the fire wall, if this was stopping somehow the signal but it did not help. Everytime I only open up one Ayab screen, on the eknitter te sigh wifi is visible... What else can I do?
On FB there is a post with a simulat problem, there was mentioned of the eknitter file didn't unzip properly. Here I don't know how to see how...
Thnx for helping Kristel
When you say Ayab software? It needs to be version from our website, You should be able to click refresh. Our version does not give u the possibility to choose a port.
I can click on refresh, nothing happens.
it's ayab for eknitter. see pic
from own experience and from other user feedback we know that this problem can be resolved by:
(1) make sure your knitting machine + eKnitter is turned on
(2) make sure you see the wi-fi symbol on your eKnitter display
(3) make sure you only have opened one eKnitter-ayab software on your desktop PC
(4) check if your computer is also connected to wi-fi
(5) check firewall settings
(5) click on refresh to connect with your machine
one person also mentioned she re-install the software and then it worked according to her she did not unzipped correctly.
If it still does not work. can you please go to debug page and add a screenshot here. (in the manual you find a description how to get to your debug page)
Jeanette from eKnitter
yes, I found where the trouble was... 😎 My firewall.
The windows firewall is overtaken by my antivirus. Yesterday I tried to do changes in the fire wall from windows itself, but didn't see that is was overrulled by my antivirus. So did some changes in the firewall from the antivirus. And it worked!
Thanks for helping. Good luck to everyone.
- I download the eknitter-Ayab software from the eknitter web, but doesn't unzip properly.
It isn't an aplication, only a file xxx.7z (I try three times, changing the firewall options)
- I installed the AYAB version and later let me open de new version, when I press refresh nothing happens
- How I can find the IP address of my eknitter in AYAB-eknitter sofware?
I can't acces the debug page. When I enter URL: http://yourIP/Debug nothing is found
Thanks in advance